Guide essentiel : 10 Astuces pour Préparer Votre Première Fois - Gang du Clito

Essential Guide: 10 Tips for Preparing for Your First Time

The first times are when you're ready.

According to INED, the National Institute of Demographic Studies, the average age for the first time is 17 years old. This study dates from 2006 and it's just a figure, but I'll give it to you to get an idea. This is in no way a reference date on which you should base your first time.

The right age for the first time is when you're ready. It can be at 20 years old, at 25 years old, even at 40 years old, there is no rule.

It's up to you to decide when it's time and no one else.

You should definitely not do it because of social pressure, to do like everyone else... You have to wait until you have found the right person, the one with whom you want to share this intimate adventure.

Bad reasons to take action:

• Because all our friends have done it
• Because my partner wants to do it • Because it has to be done

No, the good and only reason to take action is:

Because I feel ready, and I want to try.


You can stop at any time.
You can change your mind, even after you have announced it to your partner
You can change your mind, even if it’s the same day
You can change your mind, even if you have already started You can change your mind at any time, you have no commitment to keep
Consent is in the moment: it's not because you said agree at one point that you will always agree, so don't hesitate to stop if you don't feel it not.

10 Tips for Preparing for Your First Time

I'm going to give you my advice on how to best prepare for your first time. As you know, you decide, so if you find my advice bogus, you can also decide to do what you want, and that will be fine.

1. You must have decided to do it, that you want to do it, and not that you feel pressure to do it

2. It is best to do it with someone you trust and with whom you have a healthy relationship. It doesn't matter whether you're in love or not, you choose what you want. I think the main thing is that it is with a caring person with whom you want to make love.

4. Whether you are a boy or a girl, you have no obligations. Don't feel obligated to wax or shave: be as you like.

You want to know more, discover The Little Guide to Sexual Pussy - Volume 2 for teenagers.

From 12 years old for girls and boys. ⭐️ Together for equal sex education! ⭐️ In this book, author Julia Pietri talks kindly and inclusively about puberty. ⭐️ This book is intended for teenagers, all girls and all boys curious about themselves. We explain emotions, hormone peaks, consent, first times, periods, body hair, HF equality and also how to put on a condom for example...

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